Sad Trombone

SadTrombone was the result of too much free time in the office at Forum Communications Company back when our scrum of developers was still called the Interactive Media Group <IMG>.

Our Favorite Reviews

"My girlfriend already hates this website. Great job!" - Mario
"With whiny pre-teens, this an absolute must to the parenting toolbox." - AC Jensen

Supporting Failure

We have been the exclamation point for on-line failures since June of 2008.


Blowing Up in the Media

We have had numerous mentions on websites and television projects. We even were given the opportunity to become the "first official" sponsor of "The B.S. of A. with Brian Sack"

Kill Panel

Brian Sack and his team take on executive decisions made without due process.

Americas Greatest Threat

Glenn Beck cuts through the conspiracy to illuminate Americas greatest threat.